5 Matches

Visit CopenHill and try our 5 match!

Are you in need of a fun activity for a bachelor party, a company trip or maybe a Saturday with the family? – Visit CopenHill and try the 5 matches!

In a classic game of 5 Kamp you compete in 5 different disciplines. At CopenHill you compete more exactly in 5 different yard games. The 5 games are: ladder golf, cornhole, hit the nail, minigolf and ring toss. To ensure a fair game, game rules are provided to each game!

All 5 games are made at CopenHill with reused materials. Also, all 5 games include a funny twist that relates to skiing!

Who can play 5 Kamp? CopenHill’s 5 Kamp is for playful souls in all ages. You can play 1 against 1 or in bigger teams – 5 or 6 players at each team. The games is also perfect for bigger company visit. Rather it is the whole company, the office or maybe your local football club. Here the 5 games are reserved for you and a game plan is made. This has to be booked in advanced at sales@copenhill.dk.

How can we start playing? Are you a smaller groups; family, couple or friends – you can buy a game card at our Rooftop Café – at the top of CopenHill.

What is the price? The price is 100,- per person.

A game of 5 Kamp can also be booked in advance. This is mostly relevant if you want to combine the 5 Kamp with other acitivites at CopenHill – for example skiing or/and food and drinks at the Rooftop Café. This can be booked in advanced at sales@copenhill.dk.

Have fun – and may the best team win!