Fastelavn on CopenHill 2025

Hold Fastelavn on the top of Copenhagen - CopenHill Fastelavn 2025

CopenHill invites all children and their parents to a cozy Fastelavns party again this year! We welcome you to a day full of fun and celebration on Sunday, March 2, 2025. It will be a day full of activities that will spread joy and smiles among all the little party participants.
The Fastelavn celebration takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., where the barrel-knocking takes place with the age division over several rounds. It costs 35 kr. to participate in the barrel-knocking, and the ticket includes a delicious Fastelavns bun.

What can you expect?

  • Decoration of the Fastelavn barrels: Help paint and decorate the Fastelavn barrels to make the party even more festive.
  • Barrel knocking (Slå Katten af Tønden): As the tradition, we will be arranging barrel-knocking on the top of CopenHill in several rounds, divided by age groups. Of course, there will also be great prizes for both cat queens and kings.
  • Tobogganing at the bottom of the hill can be purchased.
  • 25% discount on ski time and equipment rental all day at Copenhill. Check out our facebook event and press “participate” so you don’t miss out on the discount voucher, which will be announced the week before Fastelavn.

Time Schedule
10:30 a.m.: We open for the paint workshop and registration
11:00 a.m.: Barrel making 0-4 years
11:45 a.m.: Barrel making 5-8 years
12:30 p.m.: Barrel making 9-13 years

Practical information
Where: CopenHill - Vindmøllevej 6, 2300 Copenhagen S. Barrel-knocking on top of CopenHill.
Where: Sunday, March 2nd at 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Where: All children and adults are welcome!
Price: 35 kr. per participant incl. a delicious Fastelavns bun. Entry to the hill is free.
Offer: 30 min sledding + barrel-knocking + Fastelavns bun for just 75 kr. per participant.

We look forward to partying with you!